Activity 2: The passive voice


In this activity, we are going to revise your knowledge about the passive voice in English. In order to do so, you must first check the following picture:

As you can see, Fiona and Bob are having a conversation in which some of the information is not explicitly stated. You must create passive sentences using the information given in brackets, that is, with the suggested verbs and nouns. 

Then, answer these questions to find out if you have understood the dialogue correctly and also to work on your expression in English:

- Who is going to the hairdresser's?

- What is Fiona's mother going to do? What is Fiona going to do?

- When was the last time you went to the hairdresser's? 

- Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, which colour/s have you tried? Have you ever shaved it off?

- Can you describe a hairstyle that you would like to try the next time you go to the hairdresser's?

See you soon,



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