Activity 3: An opinion essay. Using avatars to help us with our lessons.

Hello, folks! Today you will be doing a writing activity a bit different. Since I'm pretty sure I write very long introductions to my exercises, I thought that maybe this will be more fun if somebody explains them to you. Thus, I have invited a guest for today and you can listen to him and to what he has to say if you click HERE.

So, as Simon has said, an opinion essay is divided into 3 parts, which must contain the following information:

- Opening (1st paragraph): you must introduce your topic in 2 sentences. The first one will explain why the topic is relevant nowadays, whereas the second will state your own opinion about it.

- Body (2nd and 3rd paragraphs): in each of these paragraphs, you must give an argument that supports your opinion with reasons, consequences or examples. Remember, only ONE ARGUMENT PER PARAGRAPH.

- Closing (4th paragraph): you must write your essay's conclusion in 2 sentences. In the first one, you will summarize the arguments of the body WITHOUT USING THE SAME WORDS, otherwise, you will sound redundant. Finally, in the second sentence, you must restate your opinion.

REMEMBER, YOUR ESSAY MUST BE AROUND 120 WORDS! And the topic assigned to you is...

Has technology improved or worsened our life quality?


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